Saturday, December 22, 2012

McMuffin vs Homemade (Habit - Breakfast)

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Eating breakfast may reduce your hunger later in the day, which may make it easier to avoid overeating. When you skip breakfast, you may feel ravenous later and be tempted to reach for a quick fix — such as vending machine candy or doughnuts at the office.

In addition, the prolonged fasting that occurs when you skip breakfast can increase your body's insulin response, which in turn increases fat storage and weight gain. In fact, skipping breakfast actually increases your risk of obesity.  - Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D, The Mayo Clinic

For more information on how eating a healthy breakfast can help control weight check out ...

In the Comments box, list one example of a healthy breakfast you eat now or one you will try this week.


  1. I had a shredded wheat cereal with a 1/2 banana and a peach with yogurt. The yogurt was from Trenton, IL:) I also had a small slice of chocolate birthday cake with my coffee - not something I do every morning.

  2. I get up at 4AM on work days and don't have much of an appetite at that time. I need to eat though, because my next chance will be around 8:30 AM. So I usually start out with a few TBSP of low fat yogurt and 1/2 of a banana or some apricots. Then I have to have something sweet, but not junky. Recently I made apricot/almond scones and cut them into modest serving sizes. Coffee! It's perfect. My recipe comes from THE JOY OF COOKING book


  3. I love to eat some kind of egg & toast and banana. Or a bowl of cereal, however that will change to gluten-free cereal now. I also like a half of a bagel with peanut butter and fruit.
