Monday, December 24, 2012

Choosing Cereals (Habit - Pay Attention)

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If you're like many people, you may be eating and drinking more sugar than ever because it's added to so many foods and beverages. It's thought that added sugar may be one of the factors in the rise in obesity and other health problems.

Foods high in added sugar do little more than contribute extra calories to your diet — and often are low in nutritional value. They can set the stage for potential health problems.  Mayo Clinic - Healthy Lifestyle  

In addition to its high sugar content, cereals like Cap'n Crunch typically have less fiber.

For more information on added sugar check out the following ...

In the comments section post one low-sugar cereal that you eat or would be willing to try.

1 comment:

  1. I eat a generic version of Grape Nuts and a shredded wheat cereal. Both have lots of fiber and less than 6 grams of sugar.
